TMS10When I left my corporate job at MAC in 2002 and set out on the journey that has been The Powder Group, I knew a few things about my new path were certain. I knew I was going to do my best to fill a void or two in our industry. I knew that I was going to have to work harder than I had ever worked. I knew that I wanted to launch a new magazine that celebrated the art of makeup. I knew that I would create The Makeup Show.

But as we are all aware, “knowing” these types of things and accomplishing them are two very different things. Little did I realize that the amount of time it was going to take to get my business in a strong enough place financially to launch such a project was going to take me a little further down the road than I had anticipated. Even with the support of so many of my good friends and clients in the industry, this was one of my plans that had to be pushed back a bit – or at least that appeared to be the case until the Fall of 2005. >> Read more about 10 years of The Makeup Show in the full feature article on our News Feed, or Pick up a copy of Spring 2015 issue

Words Michael DeVellis
Photos Nadav Havakook

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