ON MAKEUP MAGAZINE IS CELEBRATING TEN YEARS! And here is another chance for TPG Pro Members to see their work in On Makeup Magazine, the Spring 2018 issue! Not a member yet? Join today and access this opportunity. March 5, 2018 is the deadline to submit your work for consideration in this issue. All Submissions will be reviewed by The Powder Group/On Makeup Magazine production team and member story will be chosen to be included in the Spring 2018 issue.
*Please submit stories to members@thepowdergroup.com
*Questions about submissions contact members@thepowdergroup.com
Submission Criteria:
- Submissions of four to five pages for beauty or creative makeup stories will be accepted. Story submissions must be complete, retouched and have both photographer and model rights-of-publication signed off on before submission.
- Only stories that include between four and five pages will be considered.Only beauty or creative makeup focused stories will be considered. Photographer contact information and permission to publish must be included with entry. On Makeup Magazine may edit the story to no fewer than three images.
- There are no submission fees or purchase necessary, however this offer is open ONLY to TPG Pro members whose membership is current and valid. Information on how to join TPG Pro can be found at www.thepowdergroup.com
- Multiple submissions may be made by a single artist. Submissions must be print ready at the time of submission according to the above specs.
- Members who have been previously published with the last two years as a part of this program are not eligible for publication as a part of this offer.
- There is no compensation for either submissions, nor for the artist or creative team who were involved in the development or production of the story. Credits for all creative team members may be submitted for inclusion in story title page. Product credits are not accepted. Story must not have previously been published in any print or online media. On Makeup Magazine reserves the right to edit story for page count, re-crop story or request replacement or additional images at our discretion.
- Submissions may be sent via members@thepowdergroup.com or a link to the images on artist or photographers online images is acceptable.
- Submissions must not have been previously submitted for this opportunity.
- Final images must be 300 dpi or greater when printed for at least 9″ x 9″. Please consider the square format of the printed publication when submitting your story. Submissions must not be cropped to fit 9″ x 9″ page but submitted larger for cropping and bleed purposes. Original submissions may be submitted in lower resolution than the above for email purposes, but hi-res, print-ready versions must be available at the time of submission. Print copies of stories will not be accepted as submissions.
- *Submissions, or behind-the-scenes images of the shoot, must not have been published, in print or online, in any manner – including shown on Facebook, Instagram, photographer website, or any other online medium, or submitted for publication to any other organization or publication. Only upon notice by On Makeup Magazine can images be shared by photographer, makeup artist or creative team and any promotion of images must note that the images were published in On Makeup Magazine.
- This offer is a TPG Pro member-only offer. For information about the TPG Pro membership program click here.